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Global Dominion Entertainment

The Artist has a great responsibility.  If he uses his art to promote false or bad things and gets enough agreement on it, conditions will get worse.  But the beauty of it is an artist can conceive of the most beautiful things, the most loving and free-flowing way of living, the most wonderous not yet created universes, and he can begin to live and create his art form and communicate it with these things in mind.  And if he pays attention to all the aspects involved and develops his ability to communicate well, wonderful things can and will happen and conditions around us will improve and our environment will become safer and more beautiful.  This is what true art can do,  and there's nothing more fulfilling than doing that.

Welcome to Global

Dominion Entertainment!


Click on the Boxes below to read about our production, recording and publishing services that we offer.... 


.....also check out our new music album release on our

Downloads and Purchase Page

Welcome to Global Dominion Entertainment!




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